Monday 17 October 2011

The Uses Of ASA Firewalls In Atlanta

By Bonnie Duran

Nowadays, everyone uses the Internet. Good guys and bad guys alike use this as their medium to get around. Cyber crimes are slowly rising. The threat of computer hacking and identity theft in the internet is not something to dismiss so easily. To protect one's computer, one should buy ASA firewalls Atlanta.

A firewall is a wall that goes in between the personal computer and the internet. It can detect attempts to enter an individual network and alarm the user. Because of this, spywares and malwares are stopped. It can either be in a form of software application or a hardware device.

Personal firewall is a software application that one can install in one's computer to protect it. It provides inbound and outbound filtering of data. Unwanted data cannot pass through and thus requires the user to grant it. These software, however, limits Internet connection to the one user only.

Hardware firewall allows multiple users to share a single Internet connection. Routers have this kind of capability. This kind of protection uses Network Address Translation or NAT. It creates a single internet protocol address to the multiple computers attached to it. Through this means, external devices cannot connect to the computers in the network.

Adaptive Security Appliances is a security device that was launched in 2005. This device has the combined functionality of its predecessor PIX or Private Internet eXchange and an upgraded version. It is a hardware device that connects and protects several computers within a private network through the NAT.

Its many features include a comprehensive and effective IPS or intrusion prevention system. It also has remote access and VPN. With an antivirus, URL blocking and the prevention of spam, one can be sure that one's computer is safe.

The Internet has become a vital element in our lives. One needs to exercise a willingness to protect it to stop the exploitative use of other individuals. ASA firewalls Atlanta are available in the computer shops near you. Read more about: asa firewalls Atlanta

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