Wednesday 12 October 2011

Thermal Cameras

By Jonathan Heath

If you are part of the Army you will often find yourself in the position where you are travelling to foreign terrain and you need to have the right equipment. With little knowledge of the territory or terrain it can be very important to be prepared for any situation which might occur and have the equipment on hand to deal with it. To ensure that you aren't seen by the enemy most of your covert operations will take place at night and it is important that you are able to see through the dark as well as you could during the day.

When it comes to moving around at night you need the right equipment to be able to see where you are going and what you are doing, in these circumstances thermal imaging cameras can be a great addition to your equipment.

TIC's allow you to identify areas and people through their heat signatures and can operate over quite a large distance. If you are looking into an enemy compound you are able to see through the dark to where people are moving around and what they might be doing.

If you were to plot an attack on an enemy compound then working out where you enemy troops are positioned would be easy with the use of a TIC and would give you greater confidence to know that you are giving your own troops the best chance of success. TIC's have found a great niche market as a night vision tool and there addition to the military arsenal has been invaluable for many military operations.

TIC's are also used in a wide variety of security applications including monitoring areas at night to check for potential imposters. In the past, companies have been forced to fork out large amounts of money to light outside areas at night for the simple purpose of allowing their cameras to operate. In contrast, the introduction of TIC's has negated the need for these additional high powered lights and in turns saves a great deal of money for the companies involved. These cameras are also able to be placed in hidden areas where people cannot realise that the cameras are there.

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