Monday 24 October 2011

How To Create and Manage An Article Directory for Your Own Business Goals

By Jennifer Callea

Creating and managing an article directory within your market holds tremendous potential in many areas.

When you are laying the groundwork for your article directory, you really do want to make your article categories keyword-wealthy; not rich, filthy rich. Make sure you have the overall directory theme in mind, then take your time doing excellent keyword research.

What you do with onpage search engine optimization will have a direct bearing on how your articles perform in the serps. If you are familiar with the seo silo structure, then that is what you want to achieve with your article directory. Do not neglect any aspect of your site in terms of on page seo. Do not be turned off from doing this important work because it will make your site more successful. Aside from setting up an article directory, you also have to make money from it somehow. There's no point in creating this site if there's no money to be made from it, and fortunately there are lots of ways to monetize it. If you're familiar with Ezinearticles, consider what you see besides articles -Adsense ads! Of course, there are a lot of article marketers who have taken a dimmer view of EZA's aggressive use of Adsense. You may want to use at least some Adsense ads on your article directory to bring in some revenue. You also have many other types of advertising you can sell on your directory, such as banner ads, for example. Aside from selling banner space, you can, of course, also have your own personal ads for anything you might be promoting. There are other ways to bring in revenue for your article directory, and we've only covered some of the most obvious ones.

If you'd prefer to outsource the building of your article directory, this can be done for a reasonable price, though it will require some investment of course. You could actually outsource everything, including the day to day management of it. You have to decide if you'd be comfortable with this. f you are not familiar with outsourcing, then you do need to get smart about it before trying. Outsourcing can be terrific and fabulous, or it can be a costly nightmare if you do not prepare well and carefully research your possible contractors. This is not meant to scare you away from this potentially lucrative practice. Get a free or inexpensive guide on the subject from a trusted source so you can learn more.

Creatinga and managing an article directory in specific niches can be a powerful strategy if you do it right. Just like any other new venture, you simply need to get a little educated about the matter which is not hard.

Something you may find quite a surprise is the degree and breadth of all there is concerning article directory. Nonetheless we are happy to have been able to give you some excellent information that will be of excellent use for you. Even so, be careful thinking there is no more excellent information, either. There is much more that can seriously produce the kind of outcomes anyone would want. Anyone can simply learn the choicest things that are known to produce results.

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