Monday 3 October 2011

Smartphones - They Do It All For You

By April Marshall

In the world today, millions of people have never heard of Smartphones. They are incredible pieces of technology that that are small enough to hold in your one hand, however they have the capability of a top of the line computer. Smartphones are also known as Cell Phones. Since their inception, Smartphones have grown with the times. The technology of the first phones has paled in comparison with today's phones.

When Smartphones were first introduced, everyone was amazed with features like calculators, calendars and notepads. Today, Smartphones are equipped with Internet access, where you can download and install programs to enhance the phone address books, email, and many other features and accessories. Smartphones are considered mini computers, they are called Smartphones because they are able to very efficiently manage and edit the information that is on them.

You can browse through the Internet to be able to find a website that tackles spam blocking software. For instance, SpamBayes is a project that focuses on the development of a Bayesian anti-spam filter. This said filter is not like the other filters that you have probably heard of. The difference between SpamBayes and other filtering software is that SpamBayes emphasizes on testing newer and more recently produced approaches for scoring messages.

Another software is the K9, which is an application that filters electronic mail. This works together with your regular POP3 email program. K9 automatically classifies specific incoming mails into spam, junk mail, and mail that are not considered junk mail. The mails that are not junk mail are submitted into the non-spam category without any necessity of keeping lots and lots of rules or updates that disturb you constantly.

These two words have become simultaneous with each other from Software Downloads to everyday life be it on line to sitting in your own home. To be properly or as well as you can be Secure, make sure your PC's Firewall is turned on, as well as your Anti-Virus software up to date. Then make sure where you are Downloading from advertises their own security measures, most of the reliable sites do, and for those who do not check them out before downloading.

Software developers have also recognized the significance of the arrival of Smartphones. Many different programs have been developed specifically for use with Smartphones. Some of this software is available as downloads and include encyclopedias, games, GPS systems and text messaging. Unfortunately a mouse is not available most of the time, but those who are proficient with the mini keyboards can sent text messages in a flash.

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