Wednesday 26 October 2011

Improving Your Microsoft Office Skills : A Short Guide For Newbies

By Mark Walters

As you are probably aware, Microsoft Office is a popular and useful suite of computer programs that have a variety of functions. The programs include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook. If you want to learn more about Microsoft Office and improve your skills, there are several things you can do. One of these is to simply explore the programs yourself. For instance, open up a PowerPoint document and try out the different features to see what you can learn yourself before getting help elsewhere.

Of course, you might find that there is only so much you are able to learn about Microsoft Office on your own, so going on a training course is another good option. There are courses available for the specific MS Office programs. A popular example is Excel, Microsoft's popular spreadsheet program. You can go on training courses to learn about specific aspects of it or to get a general overview as to how it can help your business and how you can get the most out of it.

You could also get some official Microsoft-accredited training by going on special courses. These offer a good way to learn more about Office and these programs are often used by people who are serious about developing their skills, particularly in a professional capacity. You could even undergo training to become a professional developer or systems administrator. Alternatively, there is more basic training that gives you administration or support technician skills. You can choose your course according to your current level of ability and previous accreditation.

You might also like to visit some of the good websites and forums available on the internet, which can make a good addition or alternative to official training in Microsoft Office applications. For instance, you might be looking to develop a particular piece of knowledge in relation to Access; asking a question on a forum would be a good way to find out what you need to know. Many questions will also already have been answered so you can search through until you find what you're looking for.

As well as learning more about Office to improve your skills, it also helps if you use those skills as well. This will help to embed your knowledge and make sure you don't forget it, as you might if you then stopped using Office for a period of time. You'll gradually get more confident in your abilities and might even end up teaching yourself new things. To really put your skills to the test, you could also try teaching others to pass your knowledge on to more people.

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