Friday 20 January 2012

There's More To Online Gaming Than Left-Handed Mouses - Cool Tricks And Tips

By Eugene Kline

More left handed gamers complain about the difficulty of gaming left handed than right handed gamers. They could benefit from buying left handed mice. They need to assign shortcuts to the left handed keys on their keyboards. As you probably know, these are typically excuses made by poor gamers when they want something to blame for not having the fun they thought they'd have. After all, the equipment you use is just part of your experience. Real gaming goes way beyond buying left handed mouses (though having the right equipment is important). Here are some hints for people who want to have a better time playing games online.

Just wrapping your head around it all can be a tall order. Sure, it can be hard in the beginning looking for someone to play with. When people get tired of you asking and decide to let you play, then the next hurdle is staying with the pace and not embarrassing yourself. So, you're busted because maybe you are left-handed with no left-handed mouse for maximum control and playing performance? Don't sweat it, you can find lots of them to choose from. We'll be discussing a few proven online gaming tips so you can enjoy your leisurely pursuits even more.

If you are left handed, trying to keep up with everyone can be challenging. There are lots of game controllers that are designed not for you but rather for right-handed gamers. But one cool thing is you can choose some keyboard keys for special functions with MMORPGs. So the deal is that you can create shortcuts if you're left-handed. You can be all set to go between those shortcuts and a lefty mouse, and it's good enough for maybe any role playing applications.

Avoid being overly competitive. People will have a bit more respect if you can adopt a more humble approach when playing. Everyone has different skill sets, and when you can out-perform something over another person, don't be a jerk about it and run your mouth. You will lose at some games, even if you're good, so take it well and avoid upset. Be straight and even about it, tell them you enjoyed the game, congratulations, and thank them. Accept that you have been defeated and try to figure out what you can do to keep it from happening again. If you do that enough people will remember, and you'll have a good rep for yourself.

It's important for you to become as knowledgeable as possible about your game of interest. You'll just be investing in your future fun because your ability to play it will increase, and you'll be able to play at a higher level with others. Understanding the mechanics of the game, the environments included in the game and, especially, the story line are all very helpful. Find and read all the relevant content on your game including instructional manuals, mini-tutorials, etc. It's often true that the more you learn and know about a subject, the more you realize how much you don't know. Online gaming can be very complex, and it changes and gets more challenging all the time; so keep up or get left behind.

Online gaming is meant to be a fun past time. This is what most game creators have in mind when they are building these complicated universes. Some people get really serious, and if you do then there are other thoughts to consider. You need to have the right equipment (left handed mouses and keyboards if you are a leftie). Don't forget to be a humble gamer who takes advice well and treats people in a cool way. Everybody will have a lot more fun when everyone gets along.

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