Sunday 15 January 2012

The Very Best There Is - Antivirus 7 Removal Software Critique

By Michael Price

Deleting all or no cookies is so early Microsoft IE, which they even fixed (well, to a point). I have used Norton security since the days of Peter Norton and DOS, although there were a few years when the product was so slow and bloated that I used other security products.

You can't beat the price! I mean come on, that's cheap! I'm still waiting to see if a charge comes through on my credit card before I load my new. Other than the Norton trying to auto-renew me, the software kept me problem-free on both business laptops for all of 2010. I bought Norton Internet Security and have had no problem since. Norton caught them all and killed them all!

This is going to take some time and perhaps more resources, but definitely enhances security. As in previous versions, the Firefox and IE companion generates a browser toolbar which prompts sites of potential danger (phasing sites). This version of Norton is much better than previous versions of a few years ago. Run on an old Pentium 4 XP sp2 machine. I have had about 4 instances of virus and Norton cleaned up each one with no problems. Also, I have noticed no slowdown in my computer after switching to Norton. It's been so long since I got it so I don't remember anything about the vendor, but the product is great. I have been using Norton Internet Security since 2006. So, yeah, I'm glad I am still a loyal Norton customer. To anybody still shy after the top-heavy, occasionally clunky versions from, say 2004-2007, give NIS another try. That is why I call it just-in-time. It works great like most Norton products.

These are very vanilla systems with almost nothing installed on them. The web sites that have crashed are not consistent and by no means dangerous sites.

I have been using the Norton security products for many years, and I have been for the most part very satisfied with them. The one gripe I have is that every year when I go to renew my subscription, I find that I can purchase new copies of the software for less than the renewal price. I feel safe in doing my transactions over the net.

All I have to do is enter the product key on our three machines, and I'm updated. One product key covers both our older 2009 and the newer versions. I always buy through Amazon as it is so much cheaper than letting Norton do the upgrade. The service I get from the Sellers at Amazon is terrific.

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